It is very helpful. I updated the tutorial to ensure everything works with Winston 3.x. I am using winston v3.2.1.Justin, excellent question.

The use of the I have multiple js files laid out across dirs in my project where function from /file1.js calls functions in /file2.js which in turn calls functions in /file3.js, in such scenario label with process.mainModule.filename always returns file1.js from where node application was started and thus logs coming out from file2.js and file3.js are labelled with the same name ‘file1.js’ which is not undesired. NodeJS Express Application in Visual Studio 2019 (Getting Started) Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript server-side. As an example, an In my opinion, this order is completely backward. By the way, logger.js in this case is in /logger.js (next to file1.js), thus file2.js and file3.js are acquiring the logger using ‘const logger = require(‘../logger’);’ statement.Nice tutorial well written with good explanations, no assumed knowledgeAn outstanding tutorial about Winston logging. This replaces the default levels shown in Listing 7.Finally, when you define your own log levels and use them to create a Winston configuration object, the default levels no longer apply. In this article described an easy way to configure a simple and powerful logging system for the Node+Express application. npm install winston. npmlog The logger util that npm uses. You can add multiple appenders to the Log4js configuration object like this:To see this example in action, save the above code to In the examples so far, the Log4js configuration object was located in the same module as the logger that used it, but this isn’t mandatory.

Thanks for taking the time to provide the positive feedback!Hello webmaster, i’ve been reading your posts for some timeany idea why my log file ends up having this name format? This should resolve the issue you were experiencing with the log file naming format. There are two ways to access the source code and run the examples for this unit:If you choose the first option, open a terminal window or command prompt and navigate to the If you prefer the second option, you will need to create a Looking closely at Listing 1, you probably noticed that the I lint my code before running anything, so that I can catch potential errors as early and often as possible. We will also dive into features that make Winston a good fit for IoT applications such as logging timestamped entries to files. Like Winston, Log4js can be configured externally to the code that uses it.To see this code in action, save the above code in You can also configure Log4js using a pure JSON object. Winston on npm Download Winston from npm; Log4js on GitHub Download Log4js from GitHub. Check out the A production-quality logging package should allow you to segment logger instances based on the functional areas of your application. node项目之express-winston , winston. I am not getting any exceptions, so could not find the root cause of this issue. Notice also that we can specify different levels (thresholds) for our transports. Let me know if you experience otherwise.Thanks for Tutorial . Experienced server-side developers generally understand the value of logging, whereas front-end developers often do not.Using a logging tool will improve the quality and consistency of your logging, and fortunately the Node ecosystem offers many good packages to choose from. Thank you.Using Winston, a versatile logging library for Node.js I’m trying to include the path of the file that the logger is being called. It really help me as Node.js beginner to implement logging in the application. Node.js ... 在使用 nodejs winston 模块中,加上相关的两个模块,事倍功半。 日志模块 . Next you’ll install and try out Log4js.In the next section, we look at how Log4js implements each of the five core capabilities you should look for in a logging package.Once again, we’ll look at two of the most commonly used appenders: console and file.To see this example in action, save the above code to The file appender is used to send output to a file whose name you specify in the configuration.To see this example in action, save the above code to There’s no logging-related console output because the file appender sends the output to a file.