I love to just put it on, close my eyes, and think back to the stories of the Odyssey I read in grade school.
With The Sirens, however, I believe Potter has found a perfect (literary) vessel for his restless creativity.
Led by vocalists Sharon Blaikie and Anna Thompson Sirens offer a ‘Sassy Musical Experience’ (Surrey Mirror) for every event.
Sirens - Pendulous [LIVE June 30th w/ Matt Harnett on bass] - Duration: 4 minutes, 24 seconds.
La tonalité est dans l'ensemble trop "nordique" et intellectuelle à mon goût. Potter s work is free of cliches and default licks... [Its] daring yet precise, with clean edges and unexpected implications... Hes something special.
(1) De cet épisode de Les écoutes successives de cette Oeuvre (à goûter plutôt le soir pour ses ambiances paisibles et mystérieuses) vous laisseront un souvenir impérissable et un sentiment d'atemporalité, dans la mesure où il ne semble exister ni passé ni futur, simplement le moment présent... Seul petit regret mais là encore ça n'engage que moi, c'est la place laissée à l'improvisation libre : elle m'apparaît ici très limitée. We all had a fantastic time as you guys absolutely rocked the house! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Attention, cela reste toutefois un très bon album avec des morceaux bluffants telles que Wine dark sea (ma préférée) et The Sirens, mais également quelques compos plus banales.
iTunes, required me to buy the entire album to get that one 8:38 Sirens song, but it was well worth it for me, since Sirens not only stands head-and-shoulders above the rest of the album, but head-and-shoulders above most other instrumental music I have heard. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Dieses Album ist nicht nur aufnahmetechnisch sonder vor allem inhaltlich für mich ein Meilenstein.
Heard one track on the radio, and knew I had to get the CD- Chris Potter is one of those artists where you know without even hearing it, that the CD is going to be good.
Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2014
Obwohl er bei zahlreichen Alben als Arrangeur und Bandleader verantwortlich zeichnete und auf den erlesenen Jazz-Festivals dieser Welt als ein Gast von exzellenter Güte geschätzt wird, hat er bis heute nicht die Popularität eines Joshua Redman erreicht. Eicher's production has added to the depth, while retaining the passion of Potter's soul. Life Threatening Operation 2 5.
In the past, you could hear Potter at his finest when featured on other ECM releases, e.g. I have followed Chris Potter since he first joined Dave Holland's great quintet, and was naturally blown away by his inventive and incendiary playing ... this guy has always had chops to spare! Jugando con el tema de la Odisea se puede decir que Potter ha llegado a Itaca. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Little bit annoyed when first played this cd,expecting more of this saxmans rockfunk jazz fusion adventures and found a more traditional feel to the sound and playing after a couple of listens the saxman won me over with the different approach.Great music.
There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. En tout cas, c'était semble-t-il l'ambition du musicien que de donner ces impressions dans ce premier enregistrement en leadeur paru chez ECM qui, disons-le, est une grande réussite : la beauté du texte, son inspiration, on la ressent très fortement dans la musique ici présente. (1949-2007) sont totalement justifiées : Potter s'affirme vraiment dans la continuité de son aîné (même approche de l'instrument : clarté et netteté du phrasé, technique sans faille, précisions').
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Nick, Michelle, Sophie, and all at Cirencester DolphinsAwesome band, we love their energy.
--Downbeat Alarms 6.
I rarely buy music for others, but hearing Sirens convinced me to buy the CD from Amazon to send to my brother who loves listening to Jazz.
Wenn einer zu den großen Hoffnungen und Potenzialen des amerikanischen Jazz gehört, dann ist es Chris Potter. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Cd is very nice. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in.After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Both Claire and Heidi clearly enjoy what they do, it shows it their performance. Potter's maturity as a leader is displayed in the beauty and balance achieved on every solo throughout, and in the space he gives to his sidemen.
(His work with Dave Holland strikes me as brilliant, but I haven't spent enough time with it to speak confidently about it.)
The band is especially well-balanced (and I challenge anyone to come up with a more suitable drummer for this music; Eric Harland plays with the strength and unpredictability of Poseidon, tempered with the wisdom of Pallas Athena).
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