Was looking for an acoustic cover of this great job!I admit I made a mess of myself when I saw Fairy tail tab pop up on new additions.I'm unfamiliar with the source of the music, but this arrangement sounds really good.Thanks for the positive feedback guys - was first tab so glad its going over well.Where there are trills marked, they're really slow - probably more a triplet than a trill, but a trill was a cleaner notation.The early crescendo is supposed to be from the starting piano level to a mezzo forte, so when you repeat the theme again you can give it a bit more forte-oomph and significance.Really important in the final section to hold the bottom notes as long as possible - which means you have to play the melody with like your ring finger and pinky. Use of any tablatures on this site without permission of the tabber is prohibited. 5. Nice tab. Use of any tablatures on this site without permission of the tabber is prohibited. Main Theme bass tab by Fairy Tail with free online tab player. © 2006-2017 gametabs.net. Its very shounen, with the whole the whole light-hearted comedic atmosphere and emphasis on friendship and whatnot, but there were times I shed manly tears. One accurate version.
I actually. It's extremely rare to find Fairy Tail quality tabs like this. I personally can't get quite the satisfying sound I want playing past the 12th fret :/Also, I highly recommend the Fairy Tail Anime - I believe the whole thing's available legit'ly on Hulu now. © 2006-2017 gametabs.net. Opening Theme Tab by Fairy Tail with free online tab player. Gm F D# F You are a fairy-tale Gm F D# I hope that you don't run away [Interlude](Pattern 2) Gm, Bb, D#, Cm, Gm, F Gm, Bb, D#, Cm, Gm, F [Verse](Pattern 2 - Chords strummed) Gm Bb D# We should run away Cm Gm F I can hear them tapping on the ground Gm Bb D# Where do we wanna go? Recommended by The Wall Street Journal All Rights reserved. © 2006-2017 gametabs.net. I actually am watching Fairy Tail on Hulu currently, and I've been looking for a tab like this one.--We live by the game controller, and we shall die by it as well. :D. Login or register to post comments; Nice tab. All Rights reserved. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal
Use of any tablatures on this site without permission of the tabber is prohibited. Privacy Policy Cm Gm F I know an ambush where we won't be found Gm Bb … One accurate version. Privacy Policy Tricky, but totally doable.The OST goes an octave higher for the last part, but I probably wouldn't if I was going to perform it - just repeat the earlier section a bit softer. Welcome to gametabs.net! All Rights reserved. The music takes a very strong Irish/Celtic influence, even in the rock/metal tracks - this tab being a 'slow' variant of the Main Theme.Nice tab. Please keep tabbing FT soundtrack. Submitted by Master Sword98 on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 14:49.