“Animals that were considered to not require immediate removal have been provided with food and water.“DELWP are working with the relevant parties on the long-term requirements for the remaining koalas – this may include translocation to suitable sites.”Andy Meddick, a Victorian state Animal Justice Party MP, visited the site on Sunday and told Guardian Australia the trees in the blue gum plantation had been “bulldozed into piles” around the property.“I saw at least 10 bodies in just one of those piles,” he said.
We support all those calling for the full force of the law to be applied to the perpetrator.“AFPA will be launching its own investigation. Furthermore, we will be ensuring that none of the timber which has been cleared is touched by any AFPA member.” Warning: Distressing content. "The conservation regulator is currently investigating this matter, with the department. "We are extremely concerned about these reports of a koala population on private land near Cape Bridgewater where animals are showing signs of starvation and injury," a spokeswoman said. "The departmental spokeswoman said the rescue and recovery operation was set to continue in the coming days. “I’m advised harvest of this area ended in November and the land was handed back to the owner before Christmas.“It is unclear as yet who bulldozed the trees with the koalas apparently still in them, but it is absolutely certain that this was not a plantation or a forestry company. “There’s about 10 kilometres of felled timber that we have to get through.”Surviving koalas were being moved to wildlife carers for treatment and rehabilitation, and carers and vets were on site.“The conservation regulator’s major investigations team is leading the investigation into how this incident happened and who was responsible,” Gavens said. Koala Massacre Currently Occurring in South West Victoria. “There may have been one or two koalas killed and I’ll wear the responsibility, but it’s not the big hoo-ha it’s been made out to be.” Russell Troeth declined to comment, referring Guardian Australia to a phone number for staff at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) said it was launching its own investigation and that the industry was “appalled” at what it described as a “callous act of animal cruelty”.The association’s chief executive, Ross Hampton, said forestry operators “scrupulously and meticulously follow koala preservation procedures overseen by the Department of Environment in Victoria”.“I’m advised that the operators in this case were so careful that they even took an injured koala, which they found during inspection, to the vet,” he said. Feb 01, 2020 Friends of the Earth has been alarmed to learn of a koala "massacre" occurring during the logging of a bluegum plantation, located approximately 12-14km west of the south west Victorian town of Portland. All rights reserved. February 3, 2020 — 11.55am. Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size. "Wildlife welfare assessment and triage will continue with qualified carers and vets," she said. "It is unclear as yet who bulldozed the trees with the koalas apparently still in them, but it is absolutely certain that this was not a plantation or a forestry company. Koala 'massacre': scores of animals found dead or injured after plantation logging This article is more than 6 months old. Victorian environment minister ‘appalled’ by allegations and her department is investigatingInvestigators at the scene of a “koala massacre” at a cleared gum tree plantation in A major incident response has been set up at the site, on private land near Cape Bridgewater, with koalas being treated by vets for starvation and broken bones.The state’s conservation regulator said it had assessed more than 80 koalas since arriving on the scene on Friday.