endobj About MIOPS: MIOPS is a pioneering manufacturer of creative camera products. Capsule360 is a smart motion box that combines multiple operating modes in a single unit. <>>> <> 3 0 obj The CAPSULE360 has different colored stable and blinking lights to identify the connection stages of the capsule. You can perfectly capture the 360-degree angle of a product with Capsule360. MIOPS engineers were able to use their extensive knowledge from their prior successful product launches, such as the MIOPS Smart Camera Trigger and bring together a single, “do-it-all” product capable of everything from timelapses and 360° photography to panoramas, star tracking for astrophotography and smart object tracking for motion video. <> You can use it either as a %PDF-1.5
It has 3-Axis Motion capability with SLIDE, PAN and TILT moves. If your question is not listed, please contact us. Capsule360 also offers Smart Object Tracking, Enhanced Time-Lapse Modes, 360° Product Photography, Star Tracking for Astrophotography, Panorama and much more.Capsule360 is compatible with all kind of video devices such as smartphones, action cameras, and SLR or Mirrorless Cameras serving advanced video and time lapse motion modes. The MIOPS motion box also features basic and advanced (Bulb Ramping, Interval Ramping, HDR) timelapse modes. MIOPS is also offering a Capsule Slider accessory that will let you add yet another range of motion to your shots. It has 3-Axis Motion capability with SLIDE, PAN and TILT moves. 4 0 obj
… Capsule360 is a smart motion box that combines multiple operating modes in a single unit. MIOPS combines different functions in a single unit.
This manual includes the information you need to use MIOPS with all features, so please read it carefully before using MIOPS. Despite all of its functionality the Capsule 360 weighs a mere 250g and is only 105mm at its longest dimension. 1 0 obj endobj �������� ��� ��V����%��RЊ� ����`���|�gFU�Zd�ڢ��:�/�{��O˺.����SO��U�ի�x�t:��a�����[M4e���c0�O��0*d��҆_���e0� ���l�G:�y$�e Uh�~��� _�|�` y���FCfU$L��o����'��7�A�^�/�b �=R�;�} �H���pZf>8߾�_�%٘�z�CIּX�h����[���ra͈p�Z�}i Z�Ϗ֥�&;�����)�i��5��V�Y+����$��{ap7��Dza7�lR�C�1'��rc0C��vcPE�F��І酑�1��SS����SSF� �N�De�L�B{��ܩ�9����sU��SW�NVe����lU)%�x���U��v4w�*%��I��� ����T�'B�AN���^Ím���W0��vd���ѷ^s]�-1!w���Mn7�Ray�L4IH-I"������:϶|�o獆25�@�L�C��>=�K�+�ʷ�褛��+;\�H�U4ԯ�-�4�1�7��,����AW�\?�h38���ׁ{�C�٭CW�p�Y�,���nF�ID�[�َ��]/㮊v�mY�R"Y9.����&� ����+A��2!2i�>�X�=V�z� endobj High-resolution images are available from the MIOPS Capsule360 Press Kit, found here. Capsule360 also offers Smart Object Tracking, Enhanced Time-Lapse Modes, 360° Product Photography, Star Tracking for Astrophotography, Panorama and much more. It has 3-Axis Motion capability with SLIDE, PAN and TILT moves.
Like MIOPS' other systems, the speed and direction of the motion is controlled using MIOPS smartphone app for iOS and Android. x��V�N�@�G�?ܥ]5�yۃR �Z5m��� <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> A compatible camera remote cable is needed to make the connection to the device. You can check the FAQ section to find answers of some common questions. The camera triggering company MIOPS has just announced the Capsule360, a new app-controlled motion box that the company claims is the world’s “most compact and … stream Download the Miops mobile app to your iOS- or Android-compatible smartphone to gain operation through Bluetooth and movement of your camera. The MIOPS Capsule360 is a versatile motion box that has 3-Axis Motion capability. It can slide, pan, and tilt in different angles and direction. %���� �Zl�V�}�N�q��(~���x
2 0 obj Capsule360 is a motion box that combines multiple operating modes in a single unit. MIOPS Capsule 360 Pan, Tilt and Slide: Hi, The one reason i wanted to buy the Capsule 360 was for Star Tracking, but the video they snow for star trading is not star tracking. The app, which connects via Bluetooth, is used to program the motion path of the device.