Disney/Marvel The fourth "Thor" film, titled "Thor: Love and Thunder," will be released on February 11, 2022. But while the massive film did say so long to both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, Chris Hemsworth’s time as the God of Thunder is not over, as he will soon be back in Thor 4 a.k.a.
Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP and Disney/Marvel It is the twenty-eighth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the fifth film of Phase Four. Disney/Marvel
""With the actors, I feel whatever makes them comfortable — whether they feel like there's a natural choice, or a natural way for that character to go — then I'm pretty supportive," Waititi told Thompson also teased what fans can expect from her character in the next "Thor" film, after Thor told Valkyrie that she should be the "king" of New Asgard during "First of all, as [the] new king, she needs to find her queen," At San Diego Comic-Con, the actress surprised fans when she appeared on stage with the hammer and "I think that's a really powerful part of the books," he said. I could say one thing right now, and in two years, it will be the complete opposite — or that thing won't exist. Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP
"Bale is no stranger to starring in comic-book films, having previously led Christopher Nolan's "That'll be very interesting, nobody knows, maybe I shouldn't have said anything," he added. While Thor 4 has been in Marvel Studios' MCU Phase 4 line-up since the beginning, it's now occupied several release dates, due to the Coronavirus throwing Hollywood schedules into turmoil.Thor: Love and Thunder is now set to fly into theaters on on February 11, 2022, just six weeks prior to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' release on March 25. The film will be released in the United States on February 11, 2022. Personally I really love that storyline, but whether it ends up in the film is yet to be seen. Thor: Ragnarok Director Wants to Make Thor 4. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP; Evan Agostini/Invision/AP; Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP
Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it. Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP Christian Bale is also joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a villain in "Thor 4." Thor 4 Director Calls Love and Thunder an Insane Romance Movie Kevin Burwick Jul 23, 2020. "If the version I read is the one we get running with, it's going to be pretty insane.
Disney/Marvel Thor: Love and Thunder (aka Thor 4) was confirmed at Comic-Con 2019 and marks a significant feat for Chris Hemsworth's Thor, who becomes the first Marvel superhero to have four solo movies. Matt Sayles/Invision/AP
It would make sense for the Guardians to appear, considering that Thor was last seen on a spacecraft with Rocket Raccoon (2022 will be a jam-packed year for superhero movies as Like what you see here? Waititi pointed out how much different Ragnarok felt from the first two Thor movies, and said his take on Thor 4 would feel more like a second Ragnarok movie than a fourth Thor movie. And that might be enough for the MCU to decide to carry the Thor series at least one more movie into Phase IV. The drive to "end the MCU" with Avengers 4… 2020-04-23T17:20:00Z A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation.Waititi also participated in an Instagram Live video as part of a "Ragnarok" watch party in April 2020 and "It's going to be bigger and louder and more bombastic," Waititi told Hemsworth shared similar thoughts on the storyline, telling "It's Taika at his most extreme, and at his best," he said. Thor: Love and Thunder is an upcoming superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name.
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