Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” -Buddha“Your body is precious. Des bijoux Zen pour la Méditation : bracelet, bague, collier, boucles d'oreilles. Un Style Tibétain : Bols Chantants, encens, statues & décoration bouddha mais aussi activités de méditation.Bouddha-Bouddhisme™ Spécialiste sur l'histoire et le symbolisme Bouddhiste. 15 août 2019 - Explorez le tableau « bouddha citation » de Rosine Montus, auquel 492 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. Architectural drawing - capitals of different column orders and designsTumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. A young girl posed by it and immitated the Jizo perfectly making all the people around do the "awww!" En est-il de même pour ces citations qualifiées de « sages » ? Happiness lies ahead. that enrich ed the whole world . Boutique en Ligne d'Articles pour hommes et femmes. Meditation is key.”“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”“There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it. What we do today is what matters most.”“Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.”“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”“There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle.”“Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. If everyone would stick to it – the world would be a better place.Buddha is my life inspiration. His cremation and burial is in India where the dalai lama is living as a refugee because of Chinese law.He ain’t a dictator and that is brought when he says “believe nothing, no matter where you read it, who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your reason and common sense ”These quotes help me to come to terms with the death of my partnerExcellent site! ~ The Mahabharata of Vyasaeye on the palm of White Tara witnesses the suffering of the worldShop for artwork by Ashley Lane. Bouddha-Bouddhisme™ Spécialiste sur l'histoire et le symbolisme Bouddhiste. Do not depend on others.”“However many holy words you read, However many you speak, What good will they do you If you do not act on upon them?”“All wrong-doing arises because of mind. Do it over and over again and you will be filled with joy.” -Buddha“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” -Buddha“If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.” -Buddha“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Boutique en Ligne d'Articles pour hommes et femmes. My soul is singing.Budha”s thoughts…… it is simple and also powerfull…. 8 nov. 2016 - Découvrez le tableau "Inspiration" de ericbourgon sur Pinterest. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. All Rights Reserved.“Learn this from water: loud splashes the brook but the oceans depth are calm.”“I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.”“The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. thing. Thanks For sharing with us.lovely quotes. Established in the 700's, Hase-dera was originally a Tendai temple founded by Tokudo Shonin. But once mastered, No one can help you as much, Not even your father or your mother.”“If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. Whoever is master of his own nature, Bright, clear and true, He may indeed wear the yellow robe.”“Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Un Style Tibétain : Bols Chantants, encens, statues & décoration bouddha mais aussi activités de méditation.Bouddha-Bouddhisme™ Spécialiste sur l'histoire et le symbolisme Bouddhiste. Every single word and every single line he said has soo much deep meaning and understanding of self and mind. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”“There is no path to happiness. Il s'agit d'une culture dans laquelle le mysticisme et la spiritualité ont toujours occupé une place privilégiée. Un Style Tibétain : Bols Chantants, encens, statues & décoration bouddha mais aussi activités de méditation.Bouddha-Bouddhisme™ Spécialiste sur l'histoire et le symbolisme Bouddhiste. 21 févr.