Faced with imminent catastrophe, Winegrowers and Champagne Houses (which owned vines of their own) joined forces and in 1898 formed the Association Viticole Champenoise (AVC: Wine-growing Association of Champagne).Having realized that all diseased vines would have to be replaced with grafted vines, the AVC took the opportunity to make improvements.

Please enjoy responsibly. The only authorised vine stocks were those traditionally grown in Champagne: Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay, plus two historic vine stocks, Arbanne and Petit Meslier. AOC Champagne : Définie les quatres zones d'Appellation d'Origine Contrõlée du Champagne : La montagne de Reims (département de la Marne) : une bonne partie de la montagne est exposé au sud, les coteaux sont implantés sur des sols dont la craie est profondément enfouie. The Champagne wine region is a wine region within the historical province of Champagne in the northeast of France.The area is best known for the production of the sparkling white wine that bears the region's name.EU law and the laws of most countries reserve the term "Champagne" exclusively for wines that come from this region located about 160 kilometres (100 miles) east of Paris. Aires géographiques des appellations d'origine contrôlées (AOC)/protégées (AOP). | Please visit To visit our website, you must be of legal age to drink alcohol in your country of residence. L’appellation d’origine contrôlée (A.O.C.) The Champagne production zone (AOC vineyard area) is defined and delimited by a law passed in 1927, encompassing roughly 34,300 hectares of vineyards.

Cépages autorisés : chardonnay, pinot noir, meunier, pinot blanc, pinot gris, arbane, petit meslier Le champagne [1], également appelé vin de Champagne, est un vin effervescent français protégé par une appellation d'origine contrôlée dont la réglementation a nécessité plusieurs siècles de gestation. The INAO has since been renamed the ‘Institut National de l’Origine et de la Qualité’ but retains its original acronym.Alcohol abuse is hazardous for your health. Les principales règles de l’AOC Champagne sont : Une zone strictement délimitée. Le Champagne est une appellation viticole dont les vins sont produits dans le vignoble de la Champagne, vignoble au nord-est de la France et plus précisément dans les régions viticoles de la Montagne de reims, de la Vallée de la marne, de la Côte des blancs, de la Côte des bar, de … In 451 A.D. near The region's reputation for wine production dates back to the The still wines of the area were highly prized in Paris under the designation of The nineteenth century saw an explosive growth in Champagne production going from a regional production of 300,000 bottles a year in 1800 to 20 million bottles in 1850.A strong influence on Champagne wine production was the centuries-old rivalry between the region and This development had a ripple effect throughout both regions and in the Paris markets. Their demands gave rise to the principles of Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (Appellation of Controlled Origin or AOC) and the Institut National des Appellations d’Origine (INAO), which was formed on 30 July 1935. | Please visit To visit our website, you must be of legal age to drink alcohol in your country of residence. The Pinots of the Montagne de Reims that are planted on northern facing slopes are known for their high levels of acid and the delicacy they add to the blend. Today the region's 86,500 acres (35,000 ha) produces over 200 million bottles of Champagne with worldwide demand prompting the French authorities to look into expanding the region's Appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) zone to facilitate more production. These allow you to navigate the site and enable us to gather information for statistical purposes - Key dates in the history of the Champagne vineyard and appellationInput reduction and management of health and environmental risks Preserving and enhancing terroir, biodiversity and landscapeThe accountable management of water, effluent, by-products and wasteFinal corking, 'poignettage (shaking) and 'mirage' (final inspection)The 'archiconfrérie St Vincent des vignerons de Champagne' Please enjoy responsibly.

Le fichier liste pour chaque commune, identifiée par son département, son nom et son code INSEE, les aires géographiques des appellations AOC/AOP qui se situent sur la commune On a few occasions, the two regions were on the brink of The different districts produce grapes of varying characteristics that are blended by the Champagne houses to create their distinct house styles. The The worldwide demand for Champagne has been continuously increasing throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. The Champagne production zone (AOC vineyard area) is defined and delimited by a law passed in 1927, encompassing roughly 34,300 hectares of vineyards.Together these encompass nearly 280,000 plots of vines, each measuring roughly 12 ares (100 square metres). En définitive, sont comprises dans la zone délimitée Champagne (zone viticole B au regard de la réglementation communautaire européenne) : ... L’appellation champagne est donc pour les producteurs un précieux atout sur le plan économique.