The COVID-19 pandemic in Monaco is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was confirmed to have reached Monaco on 29 February 2020. A residency permit may also be required if staying longer than 90 days. In many places, as countries reopen, Covid-19 cases are on the rise. de Bilan sanitaire Covid-19 - Deux nouveaux cas positifs ce lundi de Bilan sanitaire Covid-19 - Pas de nouveau cas positif ce dimanche de Coronavirus -Trois nouveaux cas positifs et une guérison Tous droits réservés - Monaco 2012 - 2020 Créé par le Prince Albert Ier, trisaïeul de S.A.S. The tourism industry continues to facilitate the expansion of this disease and does not fully acknowledge its role.Restricting travel is one way to stem the pandemic spread; however, this practice can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies, according to World Health Organization Secretary-General, Tedro Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Deux nouveaux cas positifs au Covid-19 ont été révélés en Principauté ce lundi 17 août.Le bilan sanitaire de la Principauté s’élève donc à 148 personnes touchées par le coronavirus.Les deux personn...Aucun cas positif au Covid-19 n’a été révélé en Principauté ce dimanche 16 août.Le bilan sanitaire de la Principauté s’élève donc toujours à 146 personnes touchées par le coronavirus.Ce soir, le to...Aucun cas positif au Covid-19 n’a été révélé en Principauté ce samedi 15 août.Le bilan sanitaire de la Principauté s’élève donc toujours à 146 personnes touchées par le coronavirus.Ce soir, le tota...Deux nouveaux cas positifs au Covid-19 ont été révélés en Principauté ce vendredi 14 août.Le bilan sanitaire de la Principauté s’élève donc à 146 personnes touchées par le coronavirus.Un patient a...Trois nouveaux cas positifs au Covid-19 ont été révélés en Principauté ce jeudi 13 août.Le bilan sanitaire de la Principauté s’élève donc à144 personnes touchées par le coronavirus.Une des personne...Trois nouveaux cas positifs au Covid-19 ont été révélés en Principauté ce mercredi 12 août. Aide pour les non-voyants. Portail officiel du Gouvernement Princier Le portail officiel du Gouvernement Princier de Monaco est organisé en 2 espaces : un premier espace nommé Action Gouvernementale traite des principales thématiques de la politique gouvernementale illustrées par … Late arriving (but totally necessary) lock-downs have enhanced consumer uncertainties and the fears are exacerbated as traditional consumer lifestyles, previously determined to be essential to happiness and success, disappear.Studies try to predict and measure when tourism will be rebooted, and when the old tourism metrics will be reached. The result is that doctors and nurses are left treating the symptoms of the disease and unable to kill its roots.President Donald Trump said that he believes the coronavirus will “just disappear” and this theory has influenced businesses, education, manufacturing, international trade and healthcare.The decision to maintain business continuity and jobs, resume and return to the old paradigm of economic success and growth was motivated by government policies and practices (i.e., subsidies, tax relief), with a generous nod to special interests, (i.e., cruise ships). Governments race to minimize economic loss and be the first to reopen borders and bring back the tourists, financial markets, investors, and cash liquidity, only to find that the virus returns with a vengeance. Portail officiel du Gouvernement Princier Le portail officiel du Gouvernement Princier de Monaco est organisé en 2 espaces : un premier espace nommé Action Gouvernementale traite des principales thématiques de la politique gouvernementale illustrées par … Why do people decide to travel thousands of miles from home in order to be (or regain) the feeling of being “happy?” Why are cultures commoditized by tourism, becoming “attractions” to please the tourist as a way to drive economic growth?Tourism should not be seen as an expense or as something frivolous and frequently artificial. What is missing from this scenario is any consideration or discussion of the long-term ramifications of the decision. Mobile apps are being used for reservations, check-in/out, room access, digital payments, and purchases for services, entertainment, and event reservations. The visitors from the Alps to Sicily and Sardinia do not make-up for the absence of overseas tourists who are impossible to replace. It is the structure of tourism that enables and even accelerates the global spread and impact of COVID-19. We don’t know if one type of travel is safer than others; however, airports, bus stations, train stations, and rest stops are all places travelers can be exposed to the virus in the air and on surfaces” (Hoteliers, restaurant owners, and down-stream suppliers around the world are lamenting the absence of visitors, counting the loss of revenue, valued in billions in dollars, Euros, pounds, etc.Spain was optimistic about salvaging the summer, only to be thrown into a tailspin when the UK government imposed a two-week quarantine on all tourists returning from Spain, eliminating it as an attractive destination for the Brits.