À cette fin, ces derniers avaient spécialement formé le L'hiver 1944-1945 fut inhabituellement froid pour l'Europe du Nord-ouest. La poche de Saint-Nazaire (Festung St. Nazaire — c'est-à-dire la forteresse de Saint-Nazaire) est, du mois d' août 1944 au 11 mai 1945, une zone de repli des troupes allemandes de Loire-Inférieure (actuelle Loire-Atlantique) constituée au moment de la libération du département par les forces alliées.Elle se forme autour du port et de la base sous-marine de Saint-Nazaire ; elle … Préfecture du département, elle fait partie, depuis le 1 er janvier 2016, de la région Grand Est.. Colmar se trouve dans la région historique et culturelle d'Alsace. Attacking on 1 February, the 289th Infantry Regiment cleared Horbourg and the 290th Infantry Regiment advanced on Andolsheim (Having been on the defense to this point in the battle, General On 3 February, the 12th Armored Division moved south through 28th Division lines with the objective of linking up with the French I Corps and splitting the Colmar Pocket. La plaine alsacienne est extraordinairement plate et n'offre pratiquement aucune couverture à un attaquant, hormis quelques forêts occasionnelles. Faulty forecasts for the numbers of infantry replacements needed prevented U.S. rifle companies from maintaining full strength. Coupled with a supporting arms structure (artillery, engineers, etc.) The Colmar Pocket (French: Poche de Colmar; German: Brückenkopf Elsaß) was the area held in central Alsace, France by the German Nineteenth Army from November 1944 – February 1945, against the U.S. 6th Army Group during World War II. Concurring, General Devers subordinated the Headquarters of the U.S. XXI Corps to the French First Army.For their part, the German high command misread the Allied objectives, believing the Allied assault to be a general pressure along the front designed to induce collapse at any given point.The 3rd Division continued its south and east sidestepping maneuver. A l'inverse, quand on est dans une position offensive et qu'on a franchi un obstacle, on établit une "tête de pont". that was weaker than that of other Allied field armies, the sag in French First Army troop proficiency allowed the Germans to hold the Colmar Pocket against an unsuccessful French offensive from 15–22 December 1944.The winter of 1944-45 was uncommonly cold for northwestern Europe. Entre ces points, les forces allemandes ont réussi à conserver un tronçon de 65 km de la rive ouest du Rhin, centré autour de la ville de Colmar.
Faulty forecasts for the numbers of infantry replacements needed prevented U.S. rifle companies from maintaining full strength. This occurred in part because the Allied surge across France in 1944 was slowed down by logistical difficulties as the Allies reached the easternmost extent of France, but the primary reason for the stout German defenses of these regions is that Alsace and Lorraine were claimed as part of Germany and would be defended as strongly as any other German soil. La poche de Lorient est une zone de résistance allemande à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.Elle s’étendait des rives de la Laïta à l’ouest à Plouharnel à l’est et englobait les îles morbihannaises de Groix et de Belle-Île-en-Mer, ainsi que la presqu’île de Quiberon.Les limites de la poche de Lorient resteront relativement stables durant toute la durée de son existence. The Colmar Pocket (Poche de Colmar; Brückenkopf Elsass) was the area held in central Alsace, France, by the German Nineteenth Army from November 1944 to February 1945, against the U.S. 6th Army Group (6th AG) during World War II. Fichier:M10 destroyer du 8e RCA, Illhauesern 1.JPG un contenu abusif (raciste, pornographique, diffamatoire) Restricted logistical support imposed limits on the usage of artillery ammunition and the number of divisions the Allies could effectively employ in the front lines. Initial: 5 French infantry divisions 2 French armored divisions 2 U.S. infantry divisions The Colmar Pocket (French: Poche de Colmar; German: Brückenkopf Elsass) was the area held in central Alsace, France, by the German Nineteenth Army from November 1944 to February 1945, against the U.S. 6th Army On the evening of 29 January, divisional artillery fired 16,000 Fighting in the zone of the 3rd Division, the French 1st Parachute Regiment attacked and seized After a day spent consolidating its positions, the 3rd Division moved south again on 5 February, taking The 75th Division entered the front lines on 31 January, between the U.S. 3rd and 28th Infantry Divisions. Apart from Normandy, the areas of France most bitterly defended by the Germans were Alsace and Lorraine. During Operation Nordwindin December 1944, the 19th Army attacked north out of the Pocket in … En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de ces cookies. The 4th Moroccan Mountain Division was able to push only some two miles (3 km) to the northeast in the direction of Cernay (The bridge at Maison Rouge proved unable to support U.S. tanks (the bridge collapsed under the weight of a tank), and so the 30th Infantry had only minimal antitank capability (On 26 January, on the south edge of the Riedwihr Woods, a German force of infantry and tanks emerged from Holtzwihr to counterattack Company B of the 15th Infantry. This perception informed The logistical crisis and heavy combat of autumn 1944 had dulled the fighting edge of Allied forces throughout northwestern Europe, and the U.S. 6th Army Group was no exception. This occurred in part because the Allied surge across France in 1944 was slowed down by logistical difficulties as the Allies reached the easternmost extent of France, but the primary reason for the stout German defenses of these regions is that Alsace and Lorraine were claimed as part of Germany and would be defended as strongly as any other German soil.