Lopération Undertone est une offensive menée par la 1re armée française et la 7e armée américaine à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en mars 1945.

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Yet German losses clearly were severe.

"It is difficult to describe the destruction," wrote the 45th Division commander, General Frederick. That was attributable in part to a campaign of interdiction for several days preceding the attack by planes of the Of the units of the outsized (six divisions) XV Corps, only a regiment of the On the right wing of the XV Corps, men of the 100th Infantry Division (Maj. Gen. Running the gantlet of American fighter aircraft through the Pfaelzer Forest, the amorphous mass of retreating Germans faced still a fourth American threat—General Brooks's VI Corps, which had followed closely the German withdrawal from northeastern Alsace and on 19 March had begun to assault the Siegfried Line on either side of In the Seventh Army's original plan, the attached 3rd Algerian Division on the right wing of the VI Corps along the Rhine was to have been pinched out after it reached the Lauter River at the German frontier. "Scarcely a man-made thing exists in our wake; it is even difficult to find buildings suitable for CP′s: this is the scorched earth." Toponymie. The only counterattack to cause appreciable concern hit a battalion of the On the Seventh Army's right wing, pointed toward the The 3d Algerian Division meanwhile got across the Moder with little enough trouble but then encountered intense house-to-house fighting.

Unfortunately for Foertsch's plan, the principal threat to the Kaiserslautern Gap came not from west or southwest but from northwest where Walker's XX Corps was pouring unchecked through General As Knieß′ withdrawal progressed, it had the effect of opening a path through the Siegfried Line for the left wing of the U.S.

In more than one city, particularly Homburg, looting and pillage were rampant.

Le 20 mars, la Luftwaffe tente désespérément de mettre un frein à la progression alliée en envoyant 300 avions dont d… The As the Seventh Army offensive began, the basic question was how stubbornly the Germans would defend before falling back on the Siegfried Line. Still no orders for final withdrawal beyond the Rhine came from the Commander-in-Chief West. Even though the Germans appeared to be falling back by design, in reality they intended a deliberate defense.

Before the attack could begin, supplies had to be accumulated, division and corps boundaries adjusted, some units shuffled, and new divisions joining the army fed into jump-off positions. By nightfall, both the 3rd and 45th Divisions were well across the German frontier, scarcely more than a stone's throw from the outposts of the Siegfried Line, and the 100th Division, relieved at Bitche by a follow-up infantry division, had begun to come abreast. Thousands of released slave laborers and German soldiers who had changed into civilian clothes complicated the issue for military government officials. "Tremendous losses in both men and matériel," noted the chief of staff of the 1. Some German officers were beginning to wonder if every last increment of the 1. It is impossible to ascertain how many Germans escaped from the Saar-Palatinate to fight again on the Rhine's east bank, or how much equipment and matériel they managed to take with them. No local government existed.

At Saarbrücken, the left wing of Although the Germans worried most about a breakthrough in the sector of Petersen's XC As General Patch's Seventh Army attacked before daylight on 15 March, the apparent answer on German intentions was quick to come. Operation Undertone was a large assault by the U.S.

SS The destruction in the Pfaelzer Forest was in keeping with the pattern almost everywhere. Despite good artillery support made possible by the unlimited visibility of a clear day, grazing fire from automatic weapons prevented the Algerians from crossing a stretch of open ground facing the buildings of a former French Army frontier post.

That responsibility fell to those units, decimated and increasingly demoralized, which were opposing the onrush of U.S. Third Army troops from west and northwest into the German rear. Both armored divisions early on 24 March sent task forces in quest of the lone remaining Rhine bridge, the one at Germersheim, but neither had reached the fringes of the town when at 10:20 the Germans blew up the prize.

Cette liste des opérations lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale recense les opérations militaires, coups de main, raids, attaques militaires, soudaines ou non, des belligérants (classement par ordre alphabétique). Although all divisions of the U.S. VI Corps achieved clear breakthroughs during 23 March, they came in contact only with rear guards and failed to affect the German evacuation materially. Anti-personnel and anti-tank mines abounded. Significantly assisted by operations of the Third Army that overran German lines of communication, Operation Undertone cleared The bulk of the text in this article is taken directly from Anticipating early completion of operations to clear the west bank of the Rhine north of the During the first week of March, General Devers at Sixth Army Group approved a plan (Operation UNDERTONE) prepared by General Eisenhower approved on 8 March, the same day that General The 12th Army Group commander in turn promoted the plan with General Eisenhower.

: Je suis opposée à toute étude supplémentaire sur le col du Brenner car nous en avons déjà assez. In the Siegfried Line on either side of Wissembourg, Germans of Petersen's XC Over the remaining bridge, at Germersheim, roughly east of Landau, as many vehicles and field pieces as could be salvaged began to pass during the night of the 22nd. Using the authority granted by Kesselring on 17 March to pull back units threatened with encirclement, the 1. This meant to General Patch that the Seventh Army could not attack before the target date, 15 March.