Such builds are called shadow builds.Basically a shadow build is created by calling configure.exe from a different directory.To make sure that the shadow build compiles correctly it is important that you following these guidelines:For a default installation of the Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, you can do the following:We have provided a convenience script for this called
The shadow build directory must be on the same level as the Qt source package. So lets assume you have installed Qt in C:\Qt\%VERSION% and you want to create a shadow build in C:\Qt\mobile5-shadow: Make sure the environment variables for your compiler are set. To make sure that the shadow build compiles correctly it is important that you following these guidelines: When you want to make a different configuration, just use a different shadow directory. Yes, disabling shadow builds fixes the issue with forgetfulness (or dementia) of Qt Designer.
Free 30 Day Trial if you want to build a different version of Qt with or without webkit, you can do so by using the -no-webkit option in configure and by defining a different installation path using -prefix. By default, Qt Creator builds projects in a separate directory from the source directory, as shadow builds. The problem is that because my subdir is relative, it uses the same relative path for the output, trying … Only users with topic management privileges can see it. My batch file for configuring effectively creates a new folder, moves into it, then calls configure.
There is a feature I really like in qt creator and it is the Shadow build. While developing for Windows you might want to compile a version of Qt for several different platforms and SDKs. When the Shadow Build is on, all the generated files (*.moc, Makefile, *.o) will be generated in a given source directory, so the sources directory is kept clean. Step 4: Build the Qt Library. A shadow build from a directory like C:\shadowbuild will not compile. Avoid using "release" and "debug" in the path to the shadow build directory. How to set up shadow builds on OS X and Linux. To build the documentation, it is necessary to build QDoc (to generate HTML documentation) and qhelpgenerator (to package the HTML documentation into .qch files). By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our
Note that you need to make sure your .pro and .pri files are written properly - it's quite easy to mess it up. However, if you have not made any changes to the project since you last built and deployed … As work on the Qt projects goes along, at some point the Qt Designer stops updating the ui_
While developing for Windows CE you might want to compile a version of Qt for several different platforms and SDKs. This topic has been deleted. Qt has a wonderful option: you can build Qt depending on your need from the same source code in many different flavors. Shadow Build. There is a feature I really like in qt creator and it is the Shadow build. This does not require any special stuff in the .pro file but just depends on the usage "from the outside".You can also try the experimental QMake support plugin for KDevelop: It asks you for a build folder on first start and does the shadow-build stuff. So lets assume you have installed Qt in C:\Qt\%VERSION% and you want to create a shadow build in C:\Qt\mobile5-shadow: Make sure the environment variables for your compiler are set. The default behavior of configure is to create an in-source build of Qt 5. Debugging OpenGL issues (Windows) Set the environment variable QT_QPA_VERBOSE=gl:1 and run the application with DebugView installed. If you want to install Qt 5 to a separate location, you need to specify the command line option -prefix
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